Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

8. Who Are Employees?

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

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There are 11 Comments

I have spent hours on the phone, and can't get anyone to answer..
I need to talk with someone at the office. I even left a message!
It's really important that I talk to the person.


Unfortunately, I don't see a "circuit breaker" in these types of situations. Although a bit extreme, you may want to report rude behavior and/or poor service to SSA’s customers via the Office of the Inspector General.

The OIG receives employee-related and other allegations through SSA’s fraud hotline. OIG then passes these allegations to the responsible SSA component for investigation, resolution, and if necessary referral
back to the OIG Office of Investigations.

The only way I know to contact the OIG directly is via this page :

I am Tring to apply for a job and I can't remember the date I have worked.Yall have done this for me before can u send it to my email at p__j__ @ it is very important for the past 10 yrs. please as soon as possible i am in dire need of a job thank u so much,J M, P I can copy it from my email or pick it up at the Harrisburg office thank's again.

To obtain a detailed statement of your employment history, complete form SSA-7050-F4, Request For Social Security Earnings Information.

Under most circumstances SSA charges for detailed earnings information because they spend considerable clerical time preparing it. Unlike the earnings information used to compute Social Security benefits, which is electronically available, SSA must extract detailed earnings information must from microfilmed records. We do not charge for providing detailed earnings information used to correct a Social Security record or establish entitlement to Social Security benefits.

You should use form SSA-7050-F4 if you need:

1. Certified/non-certified detailed earnings information, which would include periods of employment or self-employment and the names and addresses of employers; or

2. Certified yearly totals of earnings, which would include total earnings for each year but not the names and addresses of employers.

Social Security does not charge a fee for providing a statement showing yearly totals of earnings, the amount of Social Security taxes paid, an estimate of future benefits or the number of credits you have under the Social Security program. Normally, this is all the information needed to determine benefits.

You should allow four months from the date you submit form SSA-7050 for a response.

My name is Jerry A, and I would like to know if you have a
representative by the name of Corey (spelled correctly?) at phone number 1-877-405-xxxx,ext: yyyyy at the Greeley Location?

I received a call from this person stating he was a representative and wanted to up-date my information. I have tried to get in touch with him but cannot get connected to him on the extension number although when dialing the number it opens with a recording stating it is the Greeley social security office.

I must speak him if possible and if he is an employees can he call me? If not, it's imperative that I get this reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and this will constitute me notifying your office.

Please call or email asap.

Thank you.

Jerry A

If you sign up for any kind of benefits - BEWARE. They are ones who set teh wmount after about 7 appointments and they sent me to 3 diff. types of doctors. Finally they set my amount and now 2 years later which is exact date I started receiving benefits - got a letter saying they overpaid me from day 1 - wnat 5 grand in back pay and cutting benefits in half. I called State Senator Wes Hayes and he says he sees this almost every day weekly. Get the AMOUNT RIGHT AND QUIT PUTTINGHARDSHIPS ON SENIORS. Then I have until Sept 25 to take documents which I took to begin with and fill out a 20 page waiver form why I should not have to pay money back. Yet yesterday on sept 2 - I get papers I can file an appeal as they are starting to withhold my money they think I owe them. According to my calculatiosn - it is not Sept 25th yet and you cannot get an answer at field office - cannot get the right person if you do and in my opinion - the entire systen needs revamping as CROOKED!! you better believe I will get some one Tuesday and I had just talked to a "Willis" guy on Friday and he said office was full so he woud wait until after Labor Day to come since I needed hlep filling out their multi-page form!! I would not be on bp meds and nerve meds if they were not putting me thru this for no reason. AGAIN - YOU SET THE MONTHLY AMOUNT AND NOW YOU SAY AFTER 2 YRS YOU GOT IT WRONG - RIDICULOUS

Mu husband and I are estranged at age 61 and have been for 2 years. We were stuck with our home which the realtor would not put on market as falling down and needs much much work. Both are names are on titel and we had to refinacne bue to a family situation. He waskind enough to let me stay in home but I PAY HIM!!!! We cannot just loose it! THat doen't take a rocket scientist. Now they get all sassy with me because we are trying to get along due to this dump of a house - They act like i should hate him and never soeakto him because I get SSi/ well who is it they say bitterness and hate eat away at - me!! ANd at my age I DO NOT NEED ANYMORE STRESS!!! AND BELIEVE ME - SEEMS THE SS OFFICE IS TRING TO CAUSE UNDUE STRESS SINCE THIS STARTED!! I HATE MY FIRST EX AND THE BITTERNESS ONLY HURT ME AS HE DID NOT CARE. IT IS TO MY BENEFIT TO BENICE TO HUBBY 2 AS HE CAN MAKE THINGS VERY DIFFICULT FOR ME SHULD HE SO CHOOSE. BUT WE ARE TRING TO BE 2 FORGIVING CHRISTIAN ADULTS AND NOW SSI IS MAKING ME PAID FOR TRYING TO BE KIND - GUESS THEY PREACH HATE. Jim and i are better off as friends than spouses - ANYONE WHO KNOWS US WILL TELL YOU THAT. BUT SS WANTS ME TO GET MY BUTT WHIPPED DAILY IT SEEMS/ and on initial visits when tring to see if i could get - I told Mrs Hayden far, far more than most people prorbably do!!! NAd we do not have the money to fix home yp since making a house payment as refinanced after sons embezzlement scheme which Wes Hayes knws all too well about-


Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration