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Special Cash Benefits to Disabled Individuals Who Engage in SGA

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

2178. Special Cash Benefits to Disabled Individuals Who Engage in SGA

2178.1 Do you engage in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)?

We provide special SSI cash benefits if your gross earned income is at the amount designated as the SGA level (earnings over $900 a month in 2007). You must continue to be disabled and meet all other eligibility rules.

2178.2 How is the special cash benefit computed?

There are no special computations. The only difference between the regular rules and the special rules is that the special rules allow you to be eligible even if you are performing SGA. Your payment amount is still calculated in the usual way. States that pay SSI supplements have the option of supplementing special benefit cases.

2178.3 How do you get the first month of the special benefit?

To get the first month of special SSI cash benefits, you must have been eligible to receive a regular SSI cash payment in a previous month within the current period of eligibility. Then, special benefits may be paid for later months until you become eligible again under the regular rules or become ineligible.

Last Revised: Jan. 31, 2007

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There are 2 Comments

my father is 92 years old and draws social security benefits each month.He had
a cancerous tumor on the spine last year. After surgery, to remove as much as possible, he has recovered well but certainly should be considered disabled. Could he qualify for Supplemental Security Income?

You may want to contact the SSA directly for your case, but I doubt you will be able to receive a higher net benefit.

At least for "normal" (not SSI) Social Security disability benefits, if you are receiving Social Security disability benefits when you reach full retirement age, your disability benefits automatically convert to retirement benefits, but the amount remains the same.

In other words, at least for "normal" disability, you can not receive disability PLUS retirement benefits.

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