Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

would like to talk to others about coming off SSI

I don't know if this is the correct forum to post this in..maybe someone can refer me to another if it is not;
I have been on SSI due to a diaability since 1997. I have not worked full time in all these years...but I feel like I may have my disability a bit more under control these days and I have been considering taking a particular full time job if I get it but I am nervous about doing this since I have not worked full time for so long now. I am also afraid of coming off SSI just in case the job does not work out.
I am just wondering if anybody else on here was on SSI and decided to come off to accept a full time job and how it worked out for you?? Or if I can be referred to another site where I can discuss this sort of thing with others. I am very interested in talking to anybody who has experienced this.
Thanks for your help in advance.

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Thanks for the response and the links but I was actually hoping to find people to talk to who may have been on SSI and came off themselves to work full time.
I am curious to learn how it worked out for them??...if they are glad now that they have done it or do they regret it and wish to go back on SSI??
Perhaps this is not the right forum for that kind of discussion and maybe someone can refer me to another forum for that kind of thing.
Thanks in advance.

You're one of the first to bring up this topic on this web site. We'd like to foster this type of sharing, but I haven't seen it on this site yet. I'm unaware of another site that may be helpful :-(

thanks for the response! I guess I will keep my eye on the post to see if anybody responds.
In the meantime..thanks again and thanks for the links...they are good to read.

Good luck!

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration