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Liquid and Non-liquid Resources

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

2150. Liquid and Non-liquid Resources

2150.1 How are resources categorized?

Resources generally are categorized as either "liquid" or "non-liquid." The difference between the two types of resources is important when determining whether:

  1. A resource can be excluded as non-business property essential to self-support (see §2158); or

  2. You qualify for conditional payments (see §2164).

2150.2 What are "liquid" resources?

Liquid resources are those resources that are:

  1. In the form of cash; or

  2. Convertible to cash within 20 working days.

The most common types of liquid resources are savings and checking accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, promissory notes, certain trusts, and certain types of life insurance.

2150.3 What are "non-liquid" resources?

Non-liquid resources are all resources that cannot be converted to cash within 20 working days. They include both real and personal property. Examples are automobiles, machinery, livestock, buildings and land.

Last Revised: Aug. 4, 2006

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