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Ownership of Resources

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

2152. Ownership of Resources

2152.1 Can more than one person own a resource?

Resources may be owned outright by just one person or ownership may be shared by two or more people.

2152.2 How do you determine what is your resource if you share ownership with another person?

Only that portion of a property that is designated as belonging to you can be considered your resource (except for deeming as described in §2167). If there is more than one owner and the consent of the co-owner(s) is needed for you to liquidate your share, then your share is not a resource if the co-owner(s) do not agree to sell.

If you have a time deposit, checking, or savings account and you have unrestricted access to the funds, you are considered to own the entire amount, even if there is a co-owner on the account. However, if you own the account with another or others who receive or who have filed for SSI benefits, we assume the funds are owned in equal shares.

2152.3 How are your resources valued if you are married?

The total value of a countable property owned only by you and your (eligible or ineligible) spouse is compared with the resource limit for a couple. (See §2166.)

Last Revised: Apr. 7, 2003

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