Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

Reporting "income"

I was recently awarded SSD benefits, effective 10/2010. I have been involved in a nicotine study through the local university for the past year, which wil lend in May. For my participation and trips to the university, I will be receiving a check for about $900. Is this going to be a problem considering my recent favorable decision on SSD?

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If you receive SSI Disability payments, you should report this income.

If you receive "normal" Social Security disability payments, you may want to confirm with the SSA, but it seems unlikely that you'd have to report this income.

If you start "working at a job", you'd need to co-ordinate with the SSA to avoid losing your benefits. In other words, if you can "work at a job", disability payments may not be needed. However, your participation in this research is unlikely to be deemed a job.

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration