Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

benefits if outside usa.&getting married

hi i have gotten conflicting answers to this question.1st off if i am outside the u.s. over 6months and i am a u.s.citizen (in malaysia) do i lose my benefits?do i have to do a change of address ? i tried asking the u.s. embassy and they refer me to social sec or to the ofc in the phillipines.i am on disability about 10years now. 2nd thing is i am trying to get married ,will that affect my benefits ?no one can give me an answer in writing so i am worried about that

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Note that we are not affiliated with the US Social Security agency, so you will want to confirm with the US SSA.

If you are a U.S. citizen, you may receive your Social Security payments outside the United States as long as you are eligible for them. Payments, however, may not be made to Cuba or North Korea.

With disability payments, there often is a requirement to check back in to ensure the disability is still there. It sounds like you may have received a permanent disability judgment, but this is something to keep in mind.

You must report changes in address and changes in marital status.

In some cases, Social Security payments stop after marriage. In other cases, the amount of the payments changes. This depends on the kind of benefits received and, sometimes, on whether the person you marry gets payments.

Here is a good page to refer to when you are outside the US :

The Office of International Operations (OIO) is responsible for administering the Social Security program outside the U.S. and for the implementation of the benefit provisions of international agreements. Since SSA has no offices outside the U.S., OIO is assisted by the Department of State's embassies and consulates throughout the world.

List of overseas offices :

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration