I have lung cancer and just got award letter from SSA that I was approved for monthly disability.
I have not worked at my job since March 2010 but have stayed on payroll using accumulated sick/vacation days.
I have also applied for early retirement disability (NYS Employees' Retirement System). I have not heard back from them as of yet. I am only 50 years old.
Question is: Say SSA approved me for $1200 a month. My retirement is approved for $1000. Can I get both? I was under the impression I could; a friend told me no..SSA would reduce my benefit by the amount of the ERS retirement disabilty payment.
I have calls into both agencies,but it's hard getting through to them and even harder that I'm very hard of hearing on the phone.
Social Security disability -Windfall Elimination Provision - WEP
Yes, this is something you'll need to get individualized guidance about.
It sounds like your New York state retirement system benefit may fall under the so-called Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
Here is a description of WEP :
Here is some information about WEP, including an online WEP calculator :