By Guest (not verified)
hellow . I am about turn 18, I'm still in high school I still live with my parents they draw disability on me bc my father is disabled. I dont get to seen my checks niether do I fill like they spend the money on me for my needs. when I ask the curse me. I am moving soon and I was wondering if I was still in high school would there b a way were I could recieve the check to me?
Need for representative payee upon turning 18
You'll want to confirm directly with Social Security for your case. However, it is possible for someone age 18 to receive payments directly (no need for a representative payee).
However, you can only receive your payments while you are still in high school.
I wish you the best of luck.
I wish you the best of luck. Please get an education so you don't fall in the same situation as your parents. Your spelling is horrible. Obviously the system failed you. If so, then educate yourself and don't "just go through the motions" in high school. LEARN SOMETHING!
That's the only way.