Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration


My brother was diagnosed full blown aids in april 2005. He was not expected to live. His T cells were only 7.. He has survived but with complications. He can barely stand on legs and feet for long periods of time and he throws up daily...He is alive and better to a point but he is not completely well enough to return to work. He was told he would be disabled for life...He has just received paperwork from Social Security that he is well enough to work now and will no longer recieve his cash benefits which is the only source of revenue and that his meds that keep him alive on a daily basis and without them will cease as of December 2010...This is absolutley unimaginaeable and is inhumane....I am very interested in some feed back as this will get very nasty if Social Security goes through with this. My brother will die in a matter of months and I will not put up with such crap without a fight. I would appreciate an answer or I will take this to the public and the media....P J M 480-xxx-yyy ...or my email at p___j___m @

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration