Hi, I would like to change my Representative Payee which is my father and change it to myself. When i was awarded disability 8 years ago i had a history of drug use and i chose to assign a rep payee because i didn't think it would be wise to assign the check to myself at that time. At this time i am free from drugs for 2 years and am capable of handling money as the circumstances have changed.
How do i go about changing my Rep Payee of my father to myself?
Do i have to go before a judge? I there a form? Is it an easy process?
Can someone here explain this to me?
I have documentation from my mental health provider showing my remission of drugs.
Thanks Again
Changing your representative payee
You or your representative payee may, at any time, request a change or terminate the payee arrangement. Following such a request, the SSA will investigate the situation and make a determination.
Please contact the SSA directly for this.