Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

SS Disability

I have ADHD with a learning diability and adjustment disorder with a mixed distrubance of emotion and conduct that I recieved while I was in the Air Force. They diagnosed me with these conditions three times. I filed for social security once and was denied. Then I started working. Can I file again while I'm working?

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Here is a quote from :

A person can work and apply for Social Security disability. However, we will need additional information about your work activities to determine if you meet the eligibility requirements. Your work may affect when and if we can pay benefits.

The last sentence implies to me that if you are working while applying, this may reduce your chances to receive disability benefits. I suspect this has to do with the definition of "substantial gainful activity" (SGA).

In general, if you're involved in SGA, and making more than approximately $1,000 per month as a non-blind person, you are assumed to be involved in SGA. This may affect your ability to receive disability benefits.

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration