By Guest (not verified)
On June 7 I received a letter saying that I had earned too much money from my job and that I had to pay $503 to the SSI Office.
On July 9, I purchased a money order for $503 and mailed it to the SSI Office.
On July 26 I got a letter from the SSI office say that they had received a payment of $25 and that I still owe them $483.
Someone at that office is either a thief or very incompetent. I have my money order receipt with the serial number, and it proves I sent $503 on July 9.
NEVER, AT NO TIME, did I ever send them JUST $25.
Where is my $483?
SSA not processing payment properly
Please contact Social Security directly for this.
If you wish to appeal, you must make your request in writing within 60 days from the date you receive our letter.
Call your local Social Security office if you need help with your appeal.