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SSI Definitions

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

2110. SSI Definitions

2110.1 Who is an "eligible individual"?

An "eligible individual" is a person who files an application and meets all of the eligibility criteria in §§2111-2114.

2110.2 Who is an "eligible spouse"?

An "eligible spouse" is an eligible individual's husband or wife who meets all of the eligibility criteria in §§2111-2114 and is living in the same household with the person.

2110.3 Who is an "eligible couple"?

An "eligible couple" is an eligible individual and his or her eligible spouse.

2110.4 Who is an "ineligible spouse"?

An "ineligible spouse" is an eligible individual's husband or wife who does not meet all of the criteria for SSI eligibility.

2110.5 Who is an "essential person"?

An "essential person" is an ineligible person:

  1. Who lives in the same household as the eligible individual or couple; and

  2. Whose needs were taken into account in computing the amount payable to a recipient prior to conversion from one of the State adult assistance programs. (See §2172.)

2110.6 Who is a "child"?

For the purposes of evaluating income and resources, a "child" is a person who is:

  1. Unmarried;

  2. Not the head of a household;

  3. Either:

    1. Under age 18; or

    2. Under age 22 and a student, regularly attending an educational or vocational training institution in a course of study designed to prepare him or her for a paying job.

2110.7 Who is a "sponsor"?

A "sponsor" is an individual who signs an affidavit of support or similar agreement on behalf of an alien.

Last Revised: March, 2001


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