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Medicare for 28 yo person on SSI

Forgive me if this is posted in the wrong forum. Background: My son is 28 and has been disabled since birth (multiple disabilities). He's been on SSI since he was 18. He's on Medicaid and, at the moment, on my ex-employer's group plan (primary payer). He "works" a few hours a month at a PT job (no benefits) and has zero SS work credits. I will be 62 next year and am considering drawing my retirement as soon as I'm eligible.

Questions: since he's been disabled since birth and has received SSI for over 10 years, is he eligible to go on Medicare now? Or, is he immediately eligible when I start drawing my Soc Security retirement? Or, is there a 24 month wait before he can get on Medicare? I'm getting different replies from the local Medicare office, and would like another opinion.


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Before age 65, you are eligible for Medicare hospital insurance (Part A) if you have been a Social Security disability beneficiary for 24 months.

It sounds like your son has been a SSI (disabled youth) beneficiary for quite some time, so odds are that he will qualify for Medicare Part A right now. Almost anyone who is under 65 but eligible for Medicare hospital insurance can enroll for Medicare medical insurance (Part B) by paying a monthly premium.

Of course you'll want to work directly with the agencies to ensure this works out.

OK, thanks for the quick reply. We'll contact the local SS office and see what happens. Will post here when there's something to tell.

According to the supervisor of my local SS office today, my son must wait 24 months after he starts receiving Adult Disabled Child benefits, which would begin when I start drawing my SS retirement (1st check Oct 2012). So earliest he would get Medicare coverage is October 2014.

This differs from the admin reply. Is the SS supervisor possibly incorrect? She was pretty convincing this is the way it is. Obviously, the answer I want is that he can start on Medicare now, or at the latest next October when he starts drawing SS benefits off me.

OK, thanks. I'd already seen the first link, and since it doesn't speak to the 24-month wait or that the parent must be drawing ss benefits, I was hoping for an interpretation more to my liking. So, it seems a bit gray just reading that link. Then again, if anyone in this situation could do what I want to do, I suppose there would be lots of adult children drawing disability benefits and Medicare even tho' their parent(s) aren't. Before doing an appeal, I want to find others who have done this.

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