By Guest (not verified)
I have recieved ssi since i was 7 because my mom died, I am 17, i will be 18 in two days. I talked to a lady in december to find out when my ssi will stop and she said when i turn 18..but i was also told by my grandpa that he was told by the state or someone that has to do with the ssi benefits that they do not stop untill your 27 if you continue to go to school full time. I will be a full time student in the fall at GVSU. So, do my benefits stop or continue or how do i figure that out & prove to them im a full time student?
SSI payments as an adult child
It sounds like you are receiving Social Security survivor benefits because of your mother's death. In this case, it is unlikely you are receiving "SSI" as SSI is meant for DISABLED or ELDERLY folks with low incomes.
There are no Social Security benefits for children in college who are not disabled. You will want to confirm with the SSA for your case, but I suspect your benefits (survivor benefits) will not continue in college.