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What are other requirements for SSI eligibility?

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

2114. What are other requirements for SSI eligibility?

In addition to the categorical and need criteria described above, you must file an application and meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Be a resident of one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands, or be a child who is a U.S. citizen and lives outside the U.S. with a parent in the U.S. armed forces;

  2. Be a citizen of the U.S., or an alien in an immigration category qualified to receive Federal benefits and meet certain additional requirements (see §2115);

  3. Not be a resident of a public institution throughout a month (see §2121);

  4. Not be absent from the U.S. for a calendar month unless:

    1. You are a child who is a U.S. citizen and lives outside the U.S. with a parent in the U.S. armed forces; or

    2. You are a student who is temporarily abroad for the purpose of conducting studies, (see §2116);

  5. File for any other benefits for which you are potentially eligible (see §2117);

  6. Not be a fugitive felon (see §2119);

  7. Not be violating a condition of parole or probation (see §2120); and

  8. Give SSA permission to contact any financial institution at any time and request any financial records that financial institution may have about you. Other people who are responsible for your support must also give SSA their permission to contact any financial institution at any time and request any financial records that financial institution may have about them (see §2167 for more information about the process we call "deeming").

Last Revised: Feb. 2, 2007

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There are 6 Comments

i am a mother of three and not working . i recieved state assistant right now and was told that i could probably get ssi benefits for my children till i get a job hlow do i go about getting information to see if i qualify?

My son has chronic asmtha and ADHD, I was told that he could recieve benefits is this true?

Yes, this may be possible. Here is information regarding how the SSA evaluates asthma cases :

Also, the SSA altered the way mental impairments were evaluated in 1990, making it more likely for those persons with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other developmental and mental disorders to receive SSI.

I have a five year old son who was his school pyscologist due to his behavior was diagnosed eit a learning disability and need counseling and speech therapy does he qualify for

Yes, this may be possible. To qualify for SSI, two requirements must be met :

  • Low income and assets (resources) for the family
  • Evidence of disability

Your local Social Security office can help with the first issue.

For the second issue, the SSA will need evidence from acceptable medical sources to establish whether a child has a medically determinable impairments. Acceptable medical sources include school psychologists for purposes of establishing mental retardation/learning disorder/borderline intellectual functioning.


Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration