Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

Disability Insurance Benefit Reduced for Age

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

726. Disability Insurance Benefit Reduced for Age

726.1 When is a disability insurance benefit reduced for age payable?

A disability insurance benefit reduced for age may be payable if you are already entitled to either retirement insurance benefits or reduced widow(er)'s insurance benefits. This is true whether or not your benefit is based on disability.

726.2 What if a disability insurance benefit becomes payable to a beneficiary entitled to a reduced retirement insurance benefit?

If a disability insurance benefit becomes payable to you after becoming entitled to retirement insurance benefit, your disability benefit is reduced by the amount your retirement benefit is reduced for the months prior to the month of entitlement to the disability benefit in which you received retirement benefits.

Last Revised: March, 2001

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There are 5 Comments

Is scleroderma a disabilty that you can get your benifits

Depending on your condition, benefits may be possible. Here is an excerpt from the SSA site :

c. Localized scleroderma (linear scleroderma and morphea).

(i) Localized scleroderma (linear scleroderma and morphea) is more common in children than in adults. However, this type of scleroderma can persist into adulthood. To assess the severity of the impairment, we need a description of the extent of involvement of linear scleroderma and the location of the lesions. For example, linear scleroderma involving the arm but not crossing any joints is not as functionally limiting as sclerodactyly (scleroderma localized to the fingers). Linear scleroderma of a lower extremity involving skin thickening and atrophy of underlying muscle or bone can result in contractures and leg length discrepancy. In such cases, we may evaluate your impairment under the musculoskeletal listings (1.00).

if i am collecting disability can i still get my retirement
at age 62

My son has autism and I lost my job and now am making considerably less. He is 17 and still in school and he will not be able to live independently. I am a single mother. Is he eligible for any benefits now?

I was in a car accident and broke my neck at C-5, C-6, C-7. Also my back at T-1. I was a Hair Stylist for the past 20 yrs, and will no longer be able to work do to the limitation from my injury. I am a single mother of 3 and have not worked since the accident with bills pilling up. Will I be able to get any help from SSI?


Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration