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When is a deceased World War II veteran fully insured for Social Security Purposes?

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

960. When is a deceased World War II veteran fully insured for Social Security Purposes?

A deceased World War II Veteran is fully insured with an average monthly wage of $160 if:

  1. The veteran died before July 27, 1954; or

  2. The veteran died within three years after separation (death no later that July 26, 1954) from active military or naval service; and

  3. The veteran's service was in the World War II period (September 16, 1940 - July 24, 1947).

Note: If a Veterans Affairs pension or a compensation benefit was ever paid, even if terminated, based on the veteran's death, deemed insured status benefits are prohibited.

See SSA's electronic fact sheet "Military Service and Social Security," Publication No. 05-10017 at: for more information.

Last Revised: Jan. 20, 2006

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