By Guest (not verified)
I went to jail july 9th of this year so i owe money back from then on. why are they saying I owe 3,500 dollars?It should only be for August and some of July?Should I just call my local office when I get out?Will they restart my benefits when I get out?I don't have to go through the whole process again do I?I'm hoping my benefits just continue when I get out!
Social Security benefits and jail or prison
If you get retirement, survivors or disability benefits and you are in jail and convicted of a crime, your monthly benefits will stop after you remain in jail for more than 30 continuous days following your conviction date. If you are in jail awaiting trial, you will continue to get your check until you are convicted.
For example, if you were in jail on March 21, 2001 and were convicted of a crime on March 29, 2001, and you stay there to serve a six-month sentence, your benefits will stop beginning with your March 2001 check which is the check you receive in April 2001.
You must report to the SSA if you are confined in jail. Failure to report, and continuing to receive benefits, may result in an "overpayment" which you may have to pay back to the SSA.