Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

Payee for Girlfriend

My Girlfriend (GF) and I have been living together for 4+ years now, and moved from Al the LA recently. GF is being told that her payee has to live in the same state as her, or he benefits will be terminated. She has also been told that her boyfriend(BF) can not be her payee. We do not believe this to be true, and think it was due to lies told to the SS office by her mother.

Her mother does not have a job and was not giving my GF her money as she needed it, and was using if for herself and did not want to be removed as payee. Once she fund out that my GF was going to the SS office to have me appointed as her payee she called the SS office and told them that I was beating her (My GF) and stealing her money. (We know this cause the lady at the SS office told us that what she was told by the GF's mother.)

My GF even told them that I was not beating her or stealing her money and that it was actually her mother that was taking the money. They could also see that my GF was not beaten or being made to make the payee change in any way by me or anyone else. If it is these lies that is keeping me from being her payee as we think they are how can we get them removed from the record.

She has no family in LA, and we do not know anyone well enough to trust them to be her payee, but she is still told that I can not be her payee. We need help fast as she is also losing he medicare/medicaid and we can not afford her doctor bills with out the insurance or the SS check she receives.

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration