Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

What can I do while the waiting during the waiting period

I have been trying to work and stay off social securaty but am finding I can not keep a job due to my depression and memory loss. One of the reasons is my family and I would not survive the waiting period. Can I keep trying to work while waiting? If not what else can a person do so that they will not lose their home and everything else?

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When applying for "normal disability" (not SSI) benefits, you should be cautious about engaging in "substantial gainful activity" (SGA -- "work").

When you work and demonstrate the ability to engage in SGA occurs before approval of the award and prior to the lapse of the 12-month period after onset, the claim must be denied. When an individual returns to SGA during the waiting period and such work continues, the claim for benefits must be denied if the award has not been approved. If the award was previously approved, the claim must be reopened and revised to a denial.

If your income and assets are limited and you are disabled, you may qualify for SSI. Under SSI, disability payments may begin as early as the first full month after the individual applied or became eligible for SSI.

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration