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When are benefits paid to a child who is not attending school?

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

345. When are benefits paid to a child who is not attending school?

Child's insurance benefits may be paid to a child as a full-time student for a period of four calendar months or less in which the child does not attend school if:

  1. The child was in full-time attendance immediately before the four-month period;

  2. The child has established an intent to continue full-time or actually does attend full-time after the end of the four-month period; and

  3. The period of nonattendance is not due to the child's expulsion or suspension from school.

Last Revised: March, 2001


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There are 3 Comments

how can i find out what my fathers retirement is? he wants to put my name on it before he passes away what do i have to do to get this done before its to late?

I'm not sure I understand the question, however, you should know that Social Security retirement benefits are not transferable. A spouse or ex-spouse may qualify for benefits based on another's work record, but I would not say this is transferable.

Widow(er)s, surviving divorced spouses, and minor children may qualify for survivor benefits. However, in this case, there is no need to "put your name" on the benefits (like one might do for a house).

Qualifying for survivor benefits is more a matter of proving qualifying status than "having your name" on the benefits. For example, you could prove you're a surviving child with birth certificate. Your parent would also need a sufficiently long work record to qualify for benefits.

Had surgery, later found out while on medical leave my job had terminated me now it's hard for me too find a job. Unemployment is not enough. So is it possible to draw ss for hardship times?

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration