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Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at


126. Supplemental Security Income Benefits

126.1 What is "Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?"

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal program administered by SSA. The SSI program was established to provide cash assistance to individuals who:

  1. Have limited income and resources;

  2. Are age 65 or older;

  3. Are blind; or

  4. Are disabled.

Disability and blind children are also included in the SSI program.

126.2 Who receives SSI payments?

SSI checks or direct deposits (see §123) are paid either directly to the eligible person or to a representative payee (see Chapter 16) if the person is incapable of managing benefits. Chapter 21 explains the SSI program in more detail.

Last Revised: Apr. 18, 2006

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There are 8 Comments

My ex husband receives SSI benefits. We have a 3 year old son is he elegible for any benefits and can his court ordered child support be taken right out of his check???

im going to college soon and alot of people are saying that my benefits can be extended as long as im in school,until im 21? and also i recieve the benefits because of my father im hearing around that since he passed away thy should be able to increase the amount i recieve? does anyone know?

I have been making phone calls to 1-800 number at least every 2 weeks starting April 1, 2011 about money that Social Security still owes ME.
April 1,2011 I had been told that I had owed a balance of $56.86 which had been taken out of my check on May 1,2011 so the recovery of the supposed overpayment has been finally paid back to Social Security.I had also been told that there would be a deposit of over 2 thousand dollars made out of the 10 thousand dollars still owed to me in 3 payments.
May 2,2011 I had been told that the case was in review and that there would be a decision made by May 11,2011 the $56.86 had been deducted from the monies deposited.
May 18,2011 Hear something by May 26,2011 reminder message sent to representative. Wait 2 weeks if no notice call back representative had said.
May 25,2011 Looked for correspondence related to payment of money owed to ME nothing is on record of when the payment will post. Rep. said to call back after June 1st,2011 If not recieved.
June 8, 2011 Call back again 9am busy call line hangs up-12:53 pm busy call line hangs up-5:21 cal back pending from automated line FINALLY at 5:47 call back Representative says message sent to local office on May 18,2011 STILL NO ANSWER - MUST STILL BE PENDING CANNOT SEND ANOTHER MESSAGE OR IT WILL PUT ME BACK TO THE END OF THE STACK AND ONLY TAKE LONGER TO GET AN ANSWER.
What is going on here that there is NO ANSWER as to the monies owed to me but the recoup process seemed to be flawless. I am inquiring as to WHERE THE MONIES OWED TO ME ARE????
I too have bills that need to be attended to and having bill collectors calling is not fun.

My ex has been living with me for years and went to the SSI office and become payee of my daughter ssd. Not sure what she told them but since then me and my little girl have no assistance. She spends the funds on her own selfish desires leaving me and my baby girl hungry and having no money to buy food, tooth paste and other items.
She threatens me saying she is going to get my disability taken away. I had 2 brain surgeries and spend 1 week a month in the hospital just to be medicated daily. I have medical disability and worry about her. She has decieved there office one time and I am scarred she will do it again.

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration