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Just Moving to Florida

My niece receives SSI in NYS and I would like to help her apply for SSI here and whatever else she needs to apply for to receive Section 8 so that she could move here. I would appreciate any help that anyone could give me.

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Please check this post which discusses several cases of folks moving from one state to another while receiving SSI.

Like New York, Florida provides a SSI supplement which provides benefits above the base, nationwide SSI benefit.

However, the Florida supplement is administered by the state of Florida. In New York, the Social Security Administration administers the New York supplement. So the amount of the supplement and the manner in which it is paid may differ in Florida.

Here are some details about Florida's SSI :

if i move from california to coatesville pennsylivanna do i have to reapply or do they just transfer it there

Can you tell me what the monthly ssi benefits are in coatesville pennsylvannia

The state of Pennsylvania adds money to the federal SSI payment. A single payment which includes both the federal SSI payment and the supplement from Pennsylvania is issued to residents of domiciliary care homes and personal care boarding homes.

If you live independently, in someone else's household or in a Medicaid facility, you receive a separate payment from Pennsylvania in addition to your federal SSI payment.

The following link gives SSI payment information for various cases (single, couple etc.) :

Please contact a Social Security office in Pennsylvania regarding application processes.

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