Occupations not covered by Social Security programs, §108
Occupations under self-employment coverage, §1100
- child's benefits, §339
- disability benefits, §§503-504
- father's benefits, §419
- governmental pension, §1836
- mother's benefits, §419
- special age 72 payments, §348
- spouse's benefits, §321
- widow(er)'s benefits, §408
- windfall, SSI, §2185
- workers' compensation, §1835
Old-age insurance benefits (retirement insurance benefits), §300
On-the-job training pay for veterans, §1328
One-half support, filing time limit, §1520
One-half support situations, §329, §§336-337
One-third reduction rule, §2143, §2147
Optional exclusions, State and local employment, §1008
Optional methods of computing self-employment farm income:
- combined farm and nonfarm earnings, §1244
- grazing land income, §1236
- gross income, §§1234-1235, §§1237-1241
- income from sale of timber, §1240
- nonfarm earnings, §1242
- nonfarm earnings, table summarizing effect, §1243
- purpose, §1233, §1235
- sharefarmer's gross receipts, §1239
- summary table, §1241
Ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister defined, §934
Overpayment of benefits:
- adjustment of benefit recovery, §1909
- adjustment against current and future benefits, §1909
- against equity and good conscience, defined, §1919
- civil suit by recovery, §1912
- compromise settlement of recovery, §1911
- definition, §1904
- determinations, revised, §1922
- DOD erroneous reports of death, §1923
- fault provisions, §1917
- impede effective or efficient administration, SSI, defined, §1920
- incorrect report of death by service department, §1923
- liability of beneficiary, §1906
- non-entitlement to payments, §135
- notices, §1905
- ordinary and necessary living expenses, defined, §1918
- partial withholding of benefits, §§1910-1911
- person at fault, §1917
- rate of withholding, RSDI, §1910
- recovery by civil suit, §1912
- recovery efforts, §1913
- recovery methods, §1907
- refunds of incorrect payments, §1908
- repayment liability, §1906
- revised prior determination, §1922
- RSI recovery, §1918
- unpaid benefit, written request, §1901
- waiver factors, §1918
- waiver of recovery, §§1914-1921
- without fault provisions, §§1915-1916
- written request of unpaid benefit requirements, §1901
Overpayment of contributions, State and local employment, §1019