Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

23. Other Benefit Programs

Excerpted from "Social Security Handbook". See the up-to-date, official Social Security Handbook at

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There are 15 Comments

how i find home care help,,,,a nurse to go to my home to take care my dad

My dad is 68 years old. He will be getting out of prison on Jan 22 2009. he served to actual years and has maxed out.
While there he became ill with bone cancerin his legs. he is revovering (the keemo therapy went well). He continues to see a doctor twice a month.
I'm a live-in caregiver for an elderly\disabled person. Where can my dad live? Who can I contact to get him set up with his disability? Will he qualify for the back pay for the years he spent in prison?How soon can he get a doctor?

I have a grandchild living with me .I've got guadianship over him .Is there anyway i can get help from social security? This is Mary K. H

About 3.8 million children receive approximately $1.6 billion each month because one or both of their parents are disabled, retired or deceased. See here for details :

Disabled children whose parents have little income or resources may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income benefits. See here for details :

Can I get child support for my son when his father is in jail, but I do have a part-time job? Is there a certain limit of income in order to receive support?

Aside from SSI, which can provide support for disabled children in needy families, or survivor benefits when a parent dies, I am unaware of a "child support" from the Social Security Administration.

You may want to explore TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) which may help. TANF is generally administered on the state level. For example, here is information about TANF in Texas :

my husband had a stroke 2 years ago and was getting ssi and disability he don't get much would he have a chance of fighting for more!

You don't indicate if you'd like to appeal the disability finding, the SSI finding, or both. However, appealing either one may be difficult if the determination was made two years ago.

Current SSA procedures indicate you must appeal the SSI or disability determination within 60 days of the date you receive your determination notice.

You may wish to retain third-party services (ex. a lawyer) to assist you with this.

SSI appeals :

Disability appeals :

Does social security give childcare benefits

I am unaware of any Social Security program which offers assistance for child care when the child is able-bodied and has living parents.

Social Security does provide assistance to children in these cases :

  • Survivor benefits when a parent has died
  • Benefits when a parent is disabled
  • Benefits when a parent is retired

Additionally, disabled children whose parents have little income or resources may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income benefits.

Here is information on Social Security benefits for children :

Here is a site which may provide useful information about child care options :

my grand mother having the SSA 123. I did not received her

medicaid for this month september. How can she get her mediciad?

she has her eye catarat operation on 29th of this month. what can i do

to help her?

Her medicaid ID is X.

Her date of birth is 192x.

Contact In Home Supportive Services

Yes, several states offer "In-home supportive services". Typically services are provided to eligible aged, blind, and disabled persons on SSI who cannot perform the services themselves and who cannot safely remain in their own home unless such services are provided.

For example, here's a link to the program in California :

Here are program outlines for all states :

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration