By Guest (not verified)
I am getting ready to turn 18. And I still have one year left of high school. When I turn 18, i'm with out a doubt moving out of my mom's house. Can I still recieve my check if I am moved out? And can I get it sent to me not my mother?
I forgot to mention, I am
I forgot to mention, I am getting survivor benefits
Maximum age for survivor benefits for children
Depending on your situation, your survivor benefits will likely end soon.
A deceased worker's unmarried children who are younger than age 18 (or up to age 19 if they are attending elementary or secondary school full time) can receive survivor benefits. Children can get benefits at any age if they were disabled before age 22 and remain disabled. Under certain circumstances, benefits also can be paid to stepchildren, grandchildren or adopted children.
Ok I already knew that. I
Ok I already knew that. I know that I get one more year because of school. So can I get it or not when I move out or not???? Thats the question.
Moving out and receipt of survivor benefits
I didn't see any requirement that stated that a surviving parent must receive payments for the benefit of a child. If you get married, your benefits will likely cease.
I would confirm with your local office on this.