Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration

SSI - Supplemental Security Income

This booklet explains what Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is, who can get it and how to apply. It provides basic information and is not intended to answer all questions. For specific information about your situation, you should talk with a Social Security representative.

The SSI program makes payments to people with low income who are age 65 or older or are blind or have a disability.

The Social Security Administration manages the SSI program. Even though Social Security manages the program, SSI is not paid for by Social Security taxes. SSI is paid for by U.S. Treasury general funds, not the Social Security trust funds.



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There are 8 Comments

My daughter is 19 and disabled since birth. We did not apply for benefits before the age of 19 because of our income. Now she is attempting to work with the vocational rehab program and needs to collect SSI. She will continue to live with us and we will continue to provide food and shelter for her. Will this effect her benefits?

The fact that you will provide food and shelter does not appear to affect her SSI benefits.

Before age 18, a portion of your income and resources could be "deemed" to your child. Deeming stops the month after a child turns age 18. Therefore, a child who could not receive SSI because of deeming may be able to get SSI when he or she turns age 18.

i need pruff that im my own payee
how do i do that online

Im 21 and I still live with my parents on and off. I cant seem to keep a job cobsidering my disabilities. I am a student though but its hard for me too. I cant afford my meds even with my dads insurance, car insurance, food for mysrlf, etc.. Can I receive ssi? I'm struggling which is actually making my disability worse :-(

I am a SSDI or SSi person which ever it is called. I have one daughter under the age of 16 she lives with her father and all her benefits go directly to him for her. My question is I am getting married and my fiance has a 10 year old that we have living with us. We get no support from his mother and he is living in my house and I pay 90% of the bills is he eligible for benefits under me?

You need to know if you receive SSI or SSDI as the answer to your question depends on your status.

Both SSI and SSDI provide benefits to disabled folks. However, SSI is for folks with limited income. SSI has strict reporting and other requirements. For example, if you marry or even move in with someone, your SSI benefits may be reduced.

If you receive SSDI or "normal disability" benefits, your marriage generally will not affect your benefit.

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Not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration