By Guest (not verified)
My son recieves SSI, if his father gets ordered to pay child support, will it reduce my son's SSI? If so, if his father doesnt make payment are we just screwed?
SSI and child support
Under current law, the Social Security Administration (SSA) excludes one-third of child support payments received in a month on behalf of a child on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from countable income in determining the SSI payment.
Because of this exclusion of one-third of the child support, in general a child who receives SSI and child support will be better off than one who receives SSI only. Of course this assumes the child support payments are received.
The following calculation is somewhat dated, but it shows the effect of child support on the SSI benefit of a child with no other income.
I recommend contacting Social Security directly if you have further questions on this.