Railroad compensation, §1308
Railroad recomputation of PIA, §721
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB):
- application for Social Security benefits, §1506
- coverage under Social Security, §967, §1308
- included-excluded rule, §969
- wages and quarters of coverage, §212
Raising of crop, agricultural labor, §§906-907
Real estate agents and direct sellers, self-employment income, §1135
Real estate broker, net earnings from self-employment, §1215
Real estate dealer, profit from sale of stock in trade, §1214
Real estate, income from rental, §§1213-1214
Real property, excluded resources, SSI, §2163
Recomputation of PIA, §§721-722
Reconsideration of determinations:
- beneficiaries residing abroad, §114
- disability, DDS responsibilities, §115
- disability hearing, §2006
- extension of time for filing request, §2196
- filing requirements, §§531-537
- hearing or review, §§2007-2013
- representative payees, selection process, §1611
- request process, §§2004-2005, §2192
- SVB process, §2623
- time limits, review request, §2001
Reconsideration disability report, §533
Record of birth, evidence established before age 5, §1705
Recovery of overpaid benefits:
- adjustment against overpayment, §§1908-1909
- against equity and good conscience, §1919
- civil suit, §1912
- compromise settlement, §1911
- defeat the purpose defined, §1918
- estate of a deceased overpaid person, §1921
- Federal Claims Collection Act, §1913
- partial withholding of benefits, §1910
- refund of overpayment, §§1907-1910
- representative payee, §1905
- revised prior determination, §1922
- waiver, §§1914-1921
- withholding part of monthly benefit, §§1909-1912
Reduced benefits:
- age, §302, §723, §§726-728
- basic formulas, §724
- child's benefits, §338
- computations, §727
- disability insurance benefits reduced for age, §726
- disabled worker's rate after reduced widow(er)'s or retirement benefit, §503
- factors, §723
- family maximum, §§731-732
- general, §723
- governmental pension offset, §1836
- husband's or wife's, §729
- mother's or father's, family maximum applies, §418
- periodic workers' compensation offset, §1835
- rate factors, §723
- reduction factor adjustment, §728
- reduction months, computation, §725
- restriction of retroactive period, §1514
- retroactivity restrictions, §1514
- saving clauses, §731
- special payments/government pensions, §348
- spouse, §320, §1514
- widow(er)'s, §407
- worker's compensation offset, reduction, §504
Re-entitlement of benefits:
Referendum, State and local coverage, §1010, §1012, §§1015-1016
Referrals to other governmental or community agencies, §118
Refund of overpaid benefits, §135
Refunds of excess tax contributions, §1019
Regional offices, SSA, §110
Regular or reserve components of Armed Forces, §§948-955
Relatives, deemed available income, eligible individual, SSI, §§2167-2171
Relief from obligation to repay overpayment, §1914
Religious groups:
Religious record of birth or baptism established before age 5, §§1705-1706
- benefits affected, chart, §1851
- divorce decree effect, §308
- father's or mother's benefits, §417
- restrictions, decree of divorce, §§308-309
- prior spouse, effect on, §1853
- widow(er)'s benefits, §406
- validity, §§309-310
Renewal commissions, §1310
Rental income:
- commercial or business properties, §1216
- exclusion from Social Security, §1213
- farmland, §§1221-1232
- parking lots, warehouses, etc., §1219
- real estate broker, §1215
- real estate held by dealer and investment property, §1214
- rooms or apartments, §1216
- services provided by landlords, §§1217-1218
- two or more property operations, §1220
Reopening and revision of determination or decision, SSI, §2197
Repayment of overpaid benefits, §§1905-1906
Report of Casualty, Form DD-1300, used as intent to claim benefits, §1509
Reporting domestic service wages, §918
Report of foreign work activity, §1827
Report of work activity by beneficiary, §522, §1822
Reporting responsibilities, §106
Representative of claimant during review process, §§2017-2018
Representative payee:
- accounting responsibility, §1623
- advance notice of proposed action, §1612
- agents, SSI, §2146
- appointment policy, §1600
- beneficiaries competency, §1601
- beneficiary over age 18, §1603, §1610
- beneficiary under age 18, §1602, §1609
- benefit disbursements, §1617
- categories of payees, §§1607-1610
- claims of beneficiary's creditors, §1619
- civil suit, overpayment of benefits, §1912
- conservation and investment of surplus funds, §1620
- conserved benefits savings, §1622
- evidence of appointment, §1611
- evidence of capability, §§1615-1622
- fee agreements, §2018
- funds transferred to successor payee, §1622
- needs and maintenance of beneficiary, §1617
- new payee selection, §1613
- objection to selection, §1612
- overpayment liability, §1905
- payment made directly to beneficiary over age 18, §1603
- proper use of benefits, §1617
- repayment of overpayment, §1906
- repayments, liability, §1906
- responsibilities, §1616
- State mental institutions serving as, §1624
- usual order of preference, §§1608-1609
Representative's fees, §2018
Request for extension of time for filing annual report of earnings, §1817
Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement, Form SSA-7004-SM, §102, §1419
Request for withdrawal of application for benefits, §1516
Request to expedite payment of monthly benefits, §130
Responsibilities of representative payees, §§1615-1622
Responsibility to prove claim, §104
- burial spaces/funds, §§2160-2161
- conditional payments, §2164
- converted recipient provisions, §2172
- countable, §2153
- deeming, §§2167-2171
- disaster affect, §2162
- exclusions, §2130, §2151, §§2156-2157
- life insurance, §2159
- liquid/non-liquid, §2150
- non-qualified items, §2151
- ownership, §2152
- real property, §2163
- statutory limits, §2166
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI), §§2148-2149, §2165, §2167
- value, §§2154-2155
Resources not counted as income, SSI, §2130
Restricted countries defined, §§1847-1848
Retirement Insurance Benefits (RIB):
- adjustment of reduction factors at FRA, §728
- amount, §302
- application, §1502
- computations, §300
- delayed retirement credits, §720
- deported worker, §1841
- entitlement requirements, §301
- entitlement to other benefits, §734
- financing the program, §136
- insured status requirements, §211
- monthly benefits, eligibility, §300
- non-coverage, §108
- nonpayment or partial payment situations, §303
- overpayment, adjustment, §§1908-1910
- overpayment liability, §§1905-1906
- partnership rules, §1203
- rate of withholding, §1910
- reduced, §302, §§723-729
- special minimum, §302, §717
- spousal entitlement, §305
- termination of entitlement, §304
- unpaid amount due a deceased person, persons entitled to the underpayment, §1902
- when to file, §1503
- without fault situations, overpayment, §§1915-1916
Retirement systems, Federal employee, §937, §940
Retirement test (see Earnings test)
Retroactive coverage, State and local employment, §1011, §1018
Retroactive effect of application, §301, §347, §§1513-1514
Review by Appeals Council of decision by ALJ, §§2013-2014
Review of assessment disallowance or allowance of credit or refund FICA taxes, §1019
Reviewing offices, §111, §114, §133
Rounding of benefit rates, §738
Rounding of domestic service wages for reporting purposes, §918
Royalties received by writers, §1113
There are 2 Comments
spouse benefit
If I start drawing at age 66, what can my spouse draw turning 62?
Spousal benefit - spouse younger
The answer depends on your spouse's work record. I assume you both were born between 1943 and 1954, and thus you both have a 'Full Retirement Age' (FRA) of 66.
Even if your spouse never worked under Social Security, your spouse may be able to get benefits if he or she is at least 62 years of age and you are receiving or eligible for retirement or disability benefits.
If your spouse is under FRA and qualifies on his or her own record, Social Security will pay that amount first. But if he or she also qualifies for a higher amount as a spouse, the spouse will get a combination of benefits that equals that higher amount.